We provide high-quality domiciliary service tailored to individual needs and preferences.

We support individuals in our care to live their lives as independent as possible, help them access facilities in their local community and help them achieve their life’s ambitions, goals and aspirations.

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We do our best to provide you with the best care.

Tehy Care Group is a leading home care service provider in UK. Tehy Care Group follows the best practices in medical care and maintains international protocols and standards. Tehy Care Group has served over 400,000 patients across the UK and has helped them recover safely and comfortably in the place they know best.


Guranteed Care

We ensure that all our patient’s care needs are met.


Care Provider

Tehy Care has a great approval rating from our clients.



Tehy Care has grown to a large health care community.

Our staff is fully trained to care for you.

Tehy Care Group is a friendly, experienced staff of all ages, who are carefully matched with the person they support. We believe that our fantastic staff along with our commitment really set us apart.

Why Work With Us

We are here for you.


We endeavour to fully understand and respond to each person’s individual needs and aspirations.


We develop services specifically tailored to each person. We co-design our support so that each person can achieve his or her unique aspirations.


We focus on continuous improvement through innovation and flexibility.


We aim for strong organisational capability and capacity to provide support to as many people in our local communities as possible.


We commit to being the best provider of in-home, and individual support, respite, recreation and day services.