
What information is required when making a complaint?

When making a complaint, please provide the following information:

• Your name, position and contact details
• Your relationship with Tehy Care (i.e. the nature of your engagement with Tehy Care)
• The nature of the complaint
• Details of the Tehy Care employee involved (if applicable)
• Copies of any documentation supporting the complaint.
c. Assistance with making a complaint
If you need assistance in formulating or lodging a complaint, please contact a staff member that you are comfortable with. If this is not appropriate, please contact the human resource representative in your area or any manager.
d. Acknowledgement of complaints and timeframe
We are committed to acknowledging all complaints immediately upon receipt. Once a complaint has been received, we will undertake an initial review of the complaint. We will endeavour to resolve complaints within four weeks of receiving the complaint, but this
will not be possible for every situation. Where the process exceeds four weeks, we will contact you to inform you of the reasons for the delay, and indicate to you when we expect to be in a position to complete our review of the complaint.
e. Your rights during the complaint process
You have the right to enquire as to the status of your complaint by contacting the employee who has been identified to you as handling your complaint.
f. Response to a complaint
Once we have reviewed your complaint, we will provide you with a response (written or verbal).

The following are the steps followed from reception to the conclusion.

  1. Recording of the Complaint: recorded in the database for tracking purposes (which is kept confidential)
  2. Acknowledgement of the Complaint: Our aim is to resolve complaints immediately, wherever possible. Although more complex issues may not be resolved on-the-spot, the complainant is to be made aware that their matter is under investigation.
  3. Reviewing of complaint: Determine if the complaint falls within the given scope in 1 (c)
    above. If it does, the below procedure will follow A team of not less than two staff knowledgeable in the are/scope of the complaint is
    formed to investigate the allegations made. (gather sufficient detail about the the complaint in order to properly investigate and respond, eg complaints logs or service information; consult with others where appropriate, eg suppliers, beneficiaries, staff, etc; communicate clearly and professionally with the complainant, verbally and/or in writing; retain a file on the complaint including dates, actions taken and outcomes and advise HR department; keep the HR representative informed (including dates and outcomes) so the Complaints Register can be updated.
  4. Providing feedback. Further action/ Appeal Within 14 days of receiving the decision/response, the complainant, if not satisfied, has a right to (once only) appeal. The appeal should be addressed to [email protected] only. It will be forwarded to the director within three (3) working days.
    A review of the decision made regarding the complaint will be done by a committee and make
    final decision.