Overnight Care2021-12-31T06:13:38+00:00

Overnight Care

When comprehensive care is needed, overnight care becomes invaluable. It provides an avenue to provide even greater care for the elderly who might be suffering from progressive conditions. We understand that you want to give the best care to your loved one, for nights they may be feeling restless, distressed or uncomfortable, Tehy Care is here to provide them with quality care as we work to maintain their wellbeing.

What is overnight care?

Overnight care is when a personal or practical caregiver is called on to provide care in the client’s home at night. They can help provide care to a loved one who is restless or unwell. It can be exhausting to be there for someone who is experiencing some form of discomfort; however, our night-time caregivers will make sure that your loved one continues living safely within the familiarity and comfort of their own home.

Elderly overnight care can help to grow and increase confidence and wellbeing while providing peace of mind. Caregivers can adapt to your loved one’s needs and act as an encouraging presence in case of an emergency or be there to provide complex care and treatment.

Benefits of overnight care.

There are numerous advantages;

  • First is that as a family member or friend you can rest easy knowing that your loved one is being given the quality and constant skilled care.
  • Depression- Some seniors may battle with depressive thoughts as they age, a professional night-time caregiver can provide them with emotional support and compassion when an elderly person is being overwhelmed with the state.
  • Forgetfulness- Memory of the elderly can be affected as things like forgetting to lock the doors or turning off gas are common. A personal caregiver will make sure that they offer attention and monitor the environment.
  • Scheduling medication and administering prescription drugs- to prevent ill consequences, a caregiver will ensure to remind the client to take medication before bedtime or on a routine basis because forgetfulness can be common.
  • Assistance- When an elderly person needs assistance with using the bathroom at night, the caregiver is able to provide assistance, Or even if the senior person needs to do some activities that include manoeuvring throughout the home during the evening, the caregiver will provide support and ensure they are safe.
  • Restlessness– Illnesses such as dementia can alter the natural sleep cycle. Your loved one may experience confusion or distress and they may get agitated or wander around the house at night. Supervision from a night-time caregiver can bring reassurance to the family and allow them to enjoy a restful night’s sleep.

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